Father sitting infront of couch on the ground with laptop in hand, while one kid sits beside him and another kid comes from behind trying to bother him in a playful way.

Floor Design Trends in 2024

Hawthorn Interiors

Believe it or not, your home’s flooring is a game changer, and it can make or break your overall interior. The right flooring can turn your space into a stylish and inviting haven, whereas the wrong one can make it look uncoordinated and unsophisticated, among other things. Your flooring sets the vibe for your entire space, too. So whether it’s the warm hug of hardwood or the sleek sophistication of stone tiles, your flooring is something that needs careful consideration. 

Now let’s peer into our crystal ball for 2024, and take a look at the floor design trends that are set to dominate the home interior scene.


Patterns and Textures

You can stop playing it safe with plain floors and use your flooring to make a statement through patterns and textures. Think chevron, herringbone, and basketweave patterns in wood or tile flooring, and add visual interest and texture to your space. Bold geometric patterns and playful mosaics might also emerge, especially in accent areas. You can also see these patterns in carpet floors.


Natural and Light Wood

This trend has been around for years, but it continues to reign supreme. This kind of wood flooring offers warmth, versatility, and a connection to nature. You can expect to see light oak tones, bleached woods, and even reclaimed wood options gaining traction.


Mixed Tones and Textures

2024 is no longer a time to be afraid to mix and match! Combine different wood tones or tile textures to add depth and a bit of personality to your space. For example, you can pair light wood floors with darker wood accents or add a patterned rug to an otherwise neutral tile floor.


Warm Tile Tones

Cool grays have dominated for a while, but they’re now stepping aside and making way for warmer hues. Cream, beige, and even terracotta tones are making a comeback in tile flooring, offering a cozy and inviting feel. These tones are ideal for kitchens, living rooms, and bathrooms. Large format tile flooring will also continue to be popular as they provide a seamless and modern look. 


Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Materials

More and more homeowners are becoming increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of their day-to-day decisions, and this extends even to flooring choices. As such, you can expect to see more options made from recycled and sustainable materials like bamboo, cork, and reclaimed wood.


Curves and Organic Shapes

Move over, straight lines! Curves and organic shapes are finding their way into floor design and adding a dynamic touch and maybe even a bit of whimsy to your interiors. This could be through curved tile patterns or organically shaped rugs. 


Tech-Integrated Floors 

The future is here with smart floors featuring built-in heating, lighting, or even energy harvesting capabilities. While such floors still haven’t gone mainstream, you might start seeing them in high-end homes and ultra modern commercial spaces.


Remember, these are just some of the trends to look out for in 2024. Ultimately, the best floor design for you will depend on your own personal style, your budget, and the specific needs of your space. Don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with it. But, at the same time, think long-term. Ask yourself if a particular floor design is something you can also live and work with – and most importantly continue to love! – in the years to come.

We hope this gives you some inspiration for your next flooring project!

On Key

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