
The three main factors to think about when you’re buying signature flooring

Hawthorn Interiors

If you’re like most people, durability and maintenance are just two of the factors you’re thinking about when your considering signature flooring for your home.  If you want an amazing-looking floor that suits both your decor and your lifestyle, you’ll need to consider  three main considerations for style and function. 


Consider the room or area you want your signature flooring installed. What activities will take place there? Do you expect heavy items to be moved across the floor or is it mostly foot traffic? Is it a place for entertaining, work, relaxation, or exercise?

Thinking about the purpose of the place will help you begin to narrow down the type of flooring that suits your needs. 

Comfort and Durability

Different floor materials have different textures and thermal insulation properties. For instance, wood feels warmer than tile. Carpet is both comfortable and warm to stand on, however, it may also be the most prone to wear and tear. 

Here you’ll begin to consider trade-offs between comfort and durability. 

For high-traffic areas, perhaps flooring that offers good insulation and feels great doesn’t have the longevity against environmental factors you need. Especially for high-traffic areas in your home, you’ll want to avoid premature replacement, so it’s best to consider flooring that has some higher resilience against abrasion.


How much time and money would you like to invest in floor maintenance? How often does it need to be cleaned? What cleaning agents and methods are needed? The answers to these questions impact what maintenance costs you might expect to incur.

You may want to consider a sturdier though potential less warm material if you’re looking for low-maintenance flooring. On the other hand, you could consider high-maintenance flooring if you’re willing to spend a little more time and money for the sake of a particular look or texture.

Luckily, there are so many signature flooring styles, materials, and finishes to choose from.

There’s hardwood, laminates, vinyl, tile, carpet, and more specialized products like bamboo, rubber, and cork. With so many choice available it could be hard to decide which one is right for you. 
With a little help from our signature flooring experts, it’s easier than ever to find the perfect balance between form and function.  Contact us to book a flooring design consultation today.

On Key

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